Sunday, May 1, 2011

Newborn workshop

Earlier this year, I signed up for this newborn workshop. I knew I was cutting it close to the Europe trip but, I figured--why not!? In hindsight, there were plenty of reason to 'not' but, now that I've driven to Indianapolis and back, I'm glad I did.  I met so many great new photographer friends and really took a lot away from my day with none other than Rachel Vanoven.  I'll definitely post some of those pictures here once I get them uploaded.

Ok--we leave for Europe in two days and I have yet to pack.  Anyone who knows me knows that packing is not my forte. Primarily because 'packing' is the impetus for me cleaning out my closet.  It really doesn't matter how often I travel.  Actually, it really only happens if I'm going somewhere that has unpredictable weather or, if we're going to several places for several events AND there's unpredictable weather. That's cause for a serious closet cleaning and getting the right combo of clothing in the suitcase. My huband and best friends would probably disagree and say this happens more often than not but, it's not true.

Better get started....



  1. i think it is one of my favorite times to be around you when you have to pack for a major trip. it is so hilarious to me. typically you clean the entire house first (your procrastination distraction) and then packing begins. have an awesome trip jj. makes me think when we started dreaming up a big trip to europe back in the early chicago days.

  2. hahah! omg--I haven't even started yet! I have a feeling it's going to be a long night! xoxo
